Thank goodness we have such intelligent politicians here in New Jersey. The State Senate and Assembly--in their infinite wisdom--passed legislation today that will allow New Jersey towns and school districts to delay half their payments to the public employee pension system for a year. Municipalities would then make up the payment shortfall over 15 years along with their regular contributions.
Isn't it funny how we (you know, individuals and us fools in the private sector) are always being encouraged to save for our retirement, yet our politicians don't play by those same rules? In deferring these payments, we run the risk of even further underfunding our already underfunded pension system. We're also just putting off the inevitable, further burdening future generations of taxpayers. Thank you State of New Jersey for the gift that will truly keep on giving.
Read more about this from The Star Ledger's website.
yeah... i think we are jealous that we are not in the public sector so we can lean on the taxpayer for the rest of our life.